Advanced English (C1)
Adverbs (manner, degree, frequency, time, place & comment)
Inversion & Cleft Sentences
2 Tests
Inversion Reading Comprehension. A Haunted House
Unreal Conditionals & the Subjunctive
3 Tests
The Subjunctive. Unreal Uses of Past Tenses.
Inverting 3rd Conditionals with “Had”
2nd & 3rd conditionals with “Were to”
Reading Comprehension.
1 Test
Queen Elizabeth II. Reading Comprehension.
Participle Clauses
1 Test
Participle Clauses
Word Transformation Practice
6 Tests
Word Transformation Verb to Noun Transformation Gap-Fill Exercise
Word Transformation Adjective to Noun Transformation Gap-Fill Exercise
Word Transformations Prefix Addition Gap-Fill Exercise
Word Transformation Suffix Replacement Gap-Fill Exercise
Word Transformations Internal Changes Gap-Fill Exercise
Word Transformation Irregular Forms Gap-Fill Exercise
3 Topics
Future Forms Role Play
Obligation, Necessity, Prohibition & Recommendation Role Play
Advanced Gerunds & Infinitives Role Play
1st, 2nd, 3rd & Mixed Conditional Gap Fill
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Unreal Conditionals & the Subjunctive
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Advanced English (C1)
Unreal Conditionals & the Subjunctive
Lesson Content
The Subjunctive. Unreal Uses of Past Tenses.
Inverting 3rd Conditionals with “Had”
2nd & 3rd conditionals with “Were to”
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