Check your English grammar with Google.

Do you ever have doubts about how to structure a phrase in English?

Most students do! Doubts are an important part of the learning process.

Perhaps you are fortunate enough to have an English-speaking friend or tutor whom you can ask. Maybe you pay for applications like Grammarly to check your English-language text.

But for those of you who don’t have anyone to ask or don’t want to annoy your friends or teacher with constant questions or pay for a service, Google has introduced a fantastic and free new feature guaranteed to make your life easier!

Introducing Google Grammar Checker

Now, checking your grammar is as easy as any other request for information that you could make with a search engine. All you need to do is type your sentence into google either preceded followed by the words “grammar check”.

For example

Grammar check Where do did you work before?

Where did you work before? grammar check

A green tick indicates that your grammar is perfect!

If your grammar is correct, Google will respond with a nice green tick to confirm it. Alternatively, if your grammar is wrong it will make suggestions as to how to correct your work.

Recently, workers in the field of search engine optimisation have noticed this new feature in the google search bar. However, others say that they can’t see the feature yet.

All you have to do to see if this amazing little function is available in your region is type a sentence with the words grammar check (as in the example above) into the google search bar. If you can’t see it working now, you will soon as Google bring it to different regions.

Let us know in the comments below if you can see it yet!

You can find out more about Google’s grammar checker functionality directly from Google’s support documentation.

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Intermediate English (B1)

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Dealing with some tricky grammar!

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