Welcome to the Onlearn English Christmas Party!
Gift-Related Questions
- What have you got for people this Christmas?
- What are you hoping to receive for Christmas this year?
- What’s the best Christmas present you’ve ever received?
- Have you ever made a Christmas present yourself? What was it?
- What’s the most surprising gift you’ve ever received?
- First Day: A partridge in a pear tree.
- Second Day: Two turtle doves.
- Third Day: Three French hens.
- Fourth Day: Four calling birds.
- Fifth Day: Five gold rings.
- Sixth Day: Six geese a-laying.
- Seventh Day: Seven swans a-swimming.
- Eighth Day: Eight maids a-milking.
- Ninth Day: Nine ladies dancing.
- Tenth Day: Ten lords a-leaping.
- Eleventh Day: Eleven pipers piping.
- Twelfth Day: Twelve drummers drumming.
Christmas Traditions
- How do you celebrate Christmas in your country?
- Do you have any family traditions for Christmas?
- What do you usually eat on Christmas Day?
- What’s your favorite Christmas tradition and why?
- Is there a special Christmas song or story you like?
Childhood Memories
- What’s your favorite Christmas memory?
- What was Christmas like when you were a child?
- Did you ever believe in Santa Claus? How did you find out the truth?
- Have you ever dressed up as Santa or an elf? What was it like?
Hypothetical Questions
- If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would it be?
- If you could give one person anything for Christmas, who would it be and what would you give?
- What would your dream Christmas party be like?
- If you could invite any famous person to your Christmas dinner, who would it be?
Fun and Silly Questions
- If Santa could grant you one wish, what would it be?
- What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you during Christmas?
- Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or a fake one? Why?
- What’s your favorite Christmas movie?
- If you were one of Santa’s reindeer, what would your name be?
New Year Questions
- How do you celebrate New Year?
- What are you planning to do this New Year?
- Are there any traditions or habits around New Year in your culture?
- Do you have any New Year’s resolutions?