Presentation Skills In English.
Class 1. Introductions.
8 Topics
12 Tests
Conversation: Welcome!
Listening comprehension.
Listening Comprehension, “The Talky App”.
Listening Comprehension. “Evoscript Sales Pitch.” Part 1. Meaning
Listening Comprehension. “Evoscript Sales Pitch.” Part 2. Language
Listening Comprehension. “Evoscript Sales Pitch.” Part 3. Idioms
Google Slides Basics.
Google Slides Basics
Grammar: Future Forms and Conditionals.
Talking About the Future with Will.
Talking About the Future with “Going to”.
Structuring your Presentation.
Structuring your introduction.
Engaging with your Audience.
Engaging with your Audience.
Vocabulary & Lexis.
Formal and Informal Forms.
Prepositions for Presentations.
Vocabulary & Lexis. Idiomatic Expressions & Phrasal Verbs.
Student Presentations Project 1. Introductions.
Class 2. The Main Part of a Presentation.
6 Topics
4 Tests
Body Language
Body Language
Vocabulary & Lexis. Signposting
Structuring a Presentation. The Main Part.
Dealing with Nervousness.
Dealing with Nervousness. Listening Comprehension. Part 1.
Dealing with Nervousness. Listening Comprehension. Part 2.
Describing a Photograph or Picture.
Describing a Photograph or Picture.
Student Presentations: Change
Class 3. Describing Numerical Data.
5 Topics
6 Tests
Talking about Numbers.
Talking about Numbers. Part 1, Listening.
Talking about Numbers. Part 2, Reading
Visual Presentations.
Tips for Visual Presentation.
Vocabulary of Presentations.
Vocabulary of Presentations.
Contrast, Purpose & Results.
Contrast, Purpose & Results.
Student Presentation: By the Numbers
Class 4. Connecting the Parts of a Presentation & Describing Visuals.
4 Topics
5 Tests
Book Review: Information is Beautiful.
Reading Comprehension: Information is Beautiful.
Grammar: Past Simple Vs Present Perfect.
Grammar: Past Simple Vs Present Perfect.
Present Perfect & Past Simple 2
Vocabulary: Types of Graphic Data & Describing Tendencies.
Vocabulary; Types of Graphic Representations of Data.
Vocabulary; Describing Visual data.
Student Project Presentation. Representing Data.
Class 5. Concluding your Presentation.
5 Topics
7 Tests
Reading Comprehension. TED Talks, “Ideas Worth Spreading”
Reading Comprehension. TED talks 1.
Reading Comprehension. TED Talks 2.
Structuring your Concluson.
Structuring Your Conclusion.
Listening Comprehension. Conclusions.
Listening Comprehension. Expressions for Conclusions 1.
Listening Comprehension. Expressions for conclusions 2.
Listening Comprehension. Expressions for Conclusions 3.
Grammar. Gerunds & Infinitives.
Gerunds and Infinitives.
Student Project. Group Presentation.
Class 6. Dealing with the Q&A Session.
5 Topics
6 Tests
The Q&A Session.
The Q&A Session.
Grammar: & Question Formation & Reported Speech
Grammar. Reported Speech.
Grammar. Question Formation.
Reading Comprehension. The Q&A Session.
Reading Comprehension. The Q&A Session.
Listening Comprehension. The Q&A Session.
Listening Comprehension. The Q&A session.
Group Project: Q&A Session Roleplay.
Mid Course Evaluation.
Class 7. Bringing a Presentation to Life.
4 Topics
5 Tests
Reading Comprehension: Bringing a Presentation to Life.
Reading Comprehension: Bringing a presentation to life.
Grammar: Conditionals for Hypotheticals.
Grammar: Narrative tenses for anecdotes and stories.
Grammar: Conditionals for Hypotheticals.
Listening Comprehension.
Listening Comprehension:Bringing a presentation to life.
Group Presentation Project: Bringing a Presentation to Life.
Listening Comprehension: Bringing a Presentation to Life 2.
Class 8. Final Project Brief.
1 Topic
Use ChatGPT to help create an amazing presentation!
Class 9. Students’ Final Presentations.
Class 10. Feedback.
1 Topic
Field Trip: Presentation Checklist & Bingo.
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Grammar: Conditionals for Hypotheticals.
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Presentation Skills In English.
Class 7. Bringing a Presentation to Life.
Grammar: Conditionals for Hypotheticals.
Grammar: Narrative tenses for anecdotes and stories.
Grammar: Conditionals for Hypotheticals.
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